


What is Nano Technology?

The term of Nano technology has become popular. But it is hard to imagine what it is.

Nano Technology is to handle the materials of nano meter sizes. When you say "nano size," it shows the matter defined by nano meter (nm) units. 1 micro meter is 1/1000 of 1 mili meter, and 1 nano meter is 1/1000 of 1 micro meter. This is the scale of atoms and molecules.





What can Nano Material do for us?

Nano material shows the reactions which we cannot see in the world of Newtonian physics.

When you drop an apple, it falls down to the ground. But a nano particle moves by the different forces (such as the intermolecular forces or electric forces from static electricity.) And once it adheres to one place, it stays there until other force effectively works on it.

Using these characteristics, we can add particular characters of nano particle onto other materials.








  • ゴールドナノ粒子(肌の輝きを高める等)
  • シルバーナノ粒子(抗菌作用等)
  • チタンナノ粒子(金属同士の摩擦軽減等)
  • カーボンナノチューブ(伝導性の向上等)


Materials and Their Application

One of the nano materials we provide is platinum. It is the rare metal used for jewelries, but in the nano size.

What can this platinum nano particles do?

One of the special characteristics of platinum is to work as a catalyst. To catalize is to enhance the chemical reactions occurring on other material.

One of this function can be seen in exhaust system of combustion engine. The toxic gas produced is catalized by platinum to be non-toxic. For example, carbon monoxide turns carbon bioxide.

In the exhaust system, the platinum in the normal vislble form. The significant character of the nano material is that the same character (catalyst in platinum) can be achieved by applying this platinum nano particle.

This catalizer function is used for skin care products, too. Platinum nano particle works on reactive oxygen, which progresses the aging of skins, to deactivate (antioxidation.) As its applicable form, the platinum nano particles are used.

Other examples are

  • Gold nano particle (enhance skin radiance)
  • Silver nano particle (antibacterial effect)
  • Titanium nano particle (lowering frictions between metals)
  • Carbon nano tube (better conductivity)

These are only some examples, among uncountable applications.





Even More Applications

There are more and more applications you can think of, when you think to add one material's unique feature onto other material.

You break down your currently facing technical issues, then revisit it with nano tecnology can lead you to new solution.

Please tell us your problems. We can reach to the solution.

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